Renewals of Expiring HAP Contracts
Expiring Housing Assistance Payment contracts may be renewed up to twenty years. The owner may choose one of six options. Owners must read and understand the HUD Section 8 Renewal Policy Guidebook (publication date of June 2017) before attempting to renew an expiring HAP contract to ensure that their actions represent the most appropriate and applicable choice for their property. Once the complete renewal request package is received from the Owner/Agent, the Project-Based Contract Administrator will review and process the contract renewal.
Important Notes:
- Requests submitted without the required forms and supporting documentation will not be processed until ALL have been received.
- All Multi-Year Funding requests must be submitted 120 days prior to the property’s funding expiration.
- Contract terms over five years will be submitted to HUD for approval
Helpful Links
Rent Schedule (HUD 92458) (PDF)
Contract Renewal Request Form (HUD-9624) (PDF)
OCAF Worksheet (HUD-9625) (XLS)
HUD 92547-A Budget Form (PDF)
Certification as to Purchasing Practices and Reasonableness of Expenses (PDF)
Owners Certification Tenant Comment Procedures (PDF)