Building Types

Single Family House
Lowrise Apartment (2-4) units
Larger Apartment (5+) units

Use of Green Discount with HOME funds

Developers have the option of selecting “Energy Star Version 3.0” in the optional points section of Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). Should the developer and architect select these points at initial application use of the appropriate “Green Discount” schedule will be permitted.

In order to use the “Green Discount” utility schedule at placed in service, documentation of certification as performed by the appropriate third party rater will be required at the time of Placed In Service application submission.

Users choose Energy Star Certification, which represents 18% in energy savings, if the residence meets the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard as an Energy Star property. Users can also select LEED Certification, a 25% energy reduction, if the property meets the LEED standards according to the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).

In order to use the “Green Discount” utility schedule, documentation of certification as performed by the appropriate third party rater will be required at the time of Placed In Service application submission.