Prepared by the Darla Moore School of Business
In June 2022, the SC Legislature passed a budget proviso (PDF) requiring that the University of South Carolina (USC) Darla Moore School of Business, in partnership with the South Carolina State Housing Finance and Development Authority (SC Housing), conduct a statewide housing needs assessment by June 30, 2023. The "Palmetto State Housing Study" was launched to fulfill this requirement. You can view and download the timeline for the study by clicking here. All phases of the study are now complete and can be accessed by clicking on the buttons below.
Phase I of the study examines a broad range of housing issues facing the state, such as housing production and availability, neighborhood conservation, housing for persons with special needs, fair housing and accessibility, housing cost burden, eviction rates, homelessness, and housing affordability. It also explores each region’s unique housing challenges and includes demographic analyses and forecasts of future housing needs and supply.
Phase II of the study includes an analysis of the most important housing priorities from the perspective of 213 South Carolina residents who completed an online survey.
Phase III of the study presents the three major findings from the analysis and the agency’s policy recommendations to address these priority housing needs.
For further information or questions about the study and the housing policy recommendations, please email